

Full gas into the terrain with tamed diopters

Full gas into the terrain with tamed diopters

Everyone who grips the handlebars tightly in his hands and flies around the world with the power of his own muscles, strives for his personal victory. Sometimes one gets an Olympic medal for it, and other times "only" a great feeling of not stopping. These personal challenges include making sure we've given our best, and that's not just about training and fitness, but also equipment, which can play a significant role. 

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Are the Czech athletes gonna fight for medals?

Are the Czech athletes gonna fight for medals?

The Czech National MTBO Team is stably successful in international competitions. Every year the members bring a pile of medals, this year has not been an exception so far. 15 individual medals and two titles of world champions in relay brought our riders back home from the European MTBO Championship in Portugal in spring. 

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Jičín Terra Felix

Jičín Terra Felix

Jičín went through its expansion during the reign of Albrecht von Wallenstein, who made it the center of his dominion. Architectonic sights from the 17th century are exceptional and we’ll thanks to him and his flock of Italian architects experience exceptional sprint distance and have romantic surroundings for the whole Championships.

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